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A 24/7 Information Assistant

Hiswai is being used to help people stay informed about industry trends, breaking news, and targeted articles. With summarized email alerts, Hiswai keeps people up to date on what’s happening with topics that are important to them. Users like the ability to have the tool conducting automated searches for them and receiving updates in their inbox.

Effortless Search

Hiswai does all the work, by constantly retrieving relevant articles and dynamically categorizing them as well as providing trends and insights for every topic workspace. People are using Hiswai as their own 24/7 research assistant that brings them the latest information available to review every single day.

Gain New Insights

Hiswai users are constantly discovering new topics and interests through their use of their workspaces. Whether it’s exploring new, adjacent topics to their core searches, or investigating emerging trends they are on a journey of discovery. It allows researchers to do deeper dives into topics, it allows businesses to create a broad base of competitive knowledge in their industries, for hobbyists or individuals it provides a journey into discovering new things about topics that are important to them. Hiswai’s advanced data processing and analytics ensure the highest value information is readily available for users to review.

Curate, Organize and Expand

Hiswai workspaces allow people to manage the information and insights found within their collection with simple, easy to use controls. Making it easy for people to determine what’s relevant and what isn’t makes Hiswai increasingly effective as it continues to grow topic collections and insights. Hiswai users who discover new topic areas to explore can immediately create new focused spaces for those topics with just one click. Whether its building search collections for a school project, gaining general knowledge about an area of interest, or tracking market trends Hiswai workspaces allow you to customize and curate collections to suit your needs.

Share & Collaborate

Hiswai discovers new information quickly and efficiently, far faster than human-powered search. Hiswai users share their managed collections with others to collaborate on a variety of projects and purposes. Sharing your topic as a public dashboard only takes a single click and is updated for you automatically.

Want understand in more detail how others are using Hiswai? Read the case studies below to discover how users are creating their own solution by customizing Hiswai to their needs

Tracking Industry Competitors

Businesses and professionals are utilizing Hiswai to track their industry competitors and stay ahead of market trends. By monitoring competitor activities, product launches, and industry news, users can adapt their strategies and make informed decisions to maintain a competitive edge.

Monitoring Brand Reputation

Companies and organizations are using Hiswai to monitor their brand reputation and online presence. By tracking mentions, reviews, and social media sentiment related to their brand, users can identify potential issues, respond to customer feedback, and protect their brand image effectively.

Curating Content for Social Media

Social media influencers, content creators, and marketing professionals are using Hiswai to plan and execute their content strategy effectively. By analyzing trending topics, identifying popular keywords, and tracking audience engagement, users can create targeted and engaging content that drives traffic and conversions.

Improving Decision-Making

Professionals in various industries are using Hiswai to gather data-driven insights and make informed decisions. By analyzing market trends, consumer behavior, and industry forecasts, users can anticipate market changes, identify growth opportunities, and make strategic decisions that drive business success.

LinkedIn Sharing
Due Diligence
Technical Research
Trending Insights

Using HISWAI to stay up to date on professional or technical topics helps you provide insights to your colleagues online. By regularly reviewing and refining your workspace, your findings and insights can be shared with others, showing your ability to be an SME and valued resource to peers, co-workers and prospective employers.

A firm which manages a large capital fund requires constant research on potentially volatile equities in one of their portfolios. Several of the stocks are from companies that are at high risk of fluctuation based on investment news and opinion analysis.

A research analyst has created a number of dashboards which cover the areas of business these companies stocks participate in. The analyst regularly reviews and refines the collections by validating and summarizing the current state of the environment surrounding these stocks to provide a summary to the fund managers.

As part of an R&D team with an emerging technology company, one of the technical analysts continues ongoing research for technical development announcements, scholarly articles, or particular insights on advancement activity within the area the R&D team is working.

The analyst can refine and validate these collections, sharing new information and insights both with the team and with the Engineering leadership to make critical decisions in moving development projects forward in a faster and more informed manner.

Monitoring current news and opinion discussions around a particular concept or subject can be important inputs to decision making and general understanding of the present state of affairs.

A writer who is following the general zeitgeist of cryptocurrency is seeking insights that will provide them with information that can help them write more informed and interesting articles for their Crypto Blog. The writer creates multiple workspaces around key cryptocurrency concepts, regularly monitoring both new information coming into the collections as well as the movement of associated key words and phrases that are trending upwards, downwards, or increasing in relation to the core topic of the dashboard. The writer can then use the article tools to validate the sources and properly cite them in their published written works.